Sep 23, 2016

UFC Fight Night 95: Cyborg vs. Lansberg Predictions

Brasil!!!!! We go to the Brasilia, Brazil this week to watch fights that largely won't have a large impact on any of the rankings.  At least we get to watch Cyborg commit murder in the octagon.

Cristiane Justino vs. Lina Lansberg

I'm not going to bother talking about the fight.  We all know that Justino is going to overwhelm the poor soul whom they convinced to get annihilated by Cyborg for (maybe) 8K.  Can we discuss how it's starting to get uncomfortable the UFC is making her cut uneccessary weight? I can understand making her cut to 140 for a big-money fight against, Ronda, Miesha, Cat or Holly, but to make her kill herself an extra five pounds to fight someone who also fights at featherweight? We're entering an era where belts seem to be slightly overrated and what's more important is interesting fights with personalities that people want to watch.  Any fight with Cyborg is a fight I am going to watch.  I've come to the realization I don't need to see Cyborg in "competitive" fights.  For me she is a draw and if she isn't fighting a big name, how about we have her fight at her actual weight class.  Time for a women's featherweight division UFC.  Cyborg by KO in 1st round.

Picking Cyborg - All of us

Renan Barao vs. Phillipe Nover

The former bantamweight champion against the man Dana White once compared to Anderson Silva.  Barao has lost two in a row but it wasn't exactly against scrubs (Dillashaw, Stephens).  Nover is a good fighter all around but this is pretty close to a squash fight for Barao.  Renan gets himself right in this fight.

Barao by submission in 2nd round.

Picking Barao - All of us

Roy Nelson vs. Antonio Silva

Poor big foot is a hollow shell of the man he once was during the TRT era.  A veritable husk of human, with the chin of a brittle Brazilian.  They both come into this fight riding (?) a 1-4 record and even for the Heavyweight division this could be a loser leaves town match.  Nelson still has a chin of stone and even though he stubbornely never changes his approach in fights I still believe he will land one of his pretdictable right hands and sleep Mr. Silva.  Nelson by KO in 2nd round.

Picking Nelson - All of us

Paul Felder vs. Francisco Trinaldo

Felder sometimes has a penchant to get into fights that we the fans love to watch.  Trinaldo is not going to be having any of that.  Francisco will do whatever he can to muddy this fight up by getting it to the ground as much as possible and he wins a boring decision.  Trinaldo by decision.

Picking Felder - DJ Mark
Picking Trinaldo - Dr. Law, Gooms, Kid P

Jussier Formiga vs. Dustin Ortiz

In the UFC, Formiga has lost to Benavidez, Dodson, Cejudo and McCall, so like Bobby mentioned in the podcast, he hasn't lost to bums.  Ortiz isn't a bum and I think this fight is very evenly matched.  Toss-up fight for me so I'll go with the guy fighting in front of his people. Formiga by decision

Picking Formiga - All of us

It's MMAzing 2016 Standings (as of 9/21/16)
1. Doctor Law - (95-57) - .625
1. Kid Presentable - (95-57) - .625
3. DJ Mark  - (91-61) - .598
4. Lavender Gooms - (90-62) - .592

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